Community Rules

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Staff Member
Our Forum Rules:

1. Religious/Political discussions are NOT allowed

2. Personal attacks on fellow members will NOT be tolerated.

3. Be considerate & professional at all times to other members on the forum.

4. Photojournalism

Photojournalism is posted for discussion of the photography, the methods used to acquire images and media credentials, and techniques of coverage. They are NOT open for debate about the subject covered.

5. Courteous Criticisms
When critiquing posted travel or food related photographs, please do it in an adult, considerate and professional manner. Do not insult the photographer or simply state "it sucks" etc. Give a reason as to what you may feel he/she could have done a little differently in order to get better results. Also, feel free to offer some positives about the image itself that you did like, this will inform the photographer what worked well in your opinion. We can all learn a lot from each other here so let's be professional about it.

6. All levels welcomed
Everyone from a very beginner to a seasoned professional photographer is welcomed here in the community. With that being said all members are asked to be considerate to a newbie when they ask questions that you may feel are "stupid". We were all beginners once in this hobby of ours so lets keep that in mind and help people are wanting to learn about photography. Negative comments can be a complete turnoff for a newbie and he/she may decide to never return.

7. NO brand bashing
We can all get along better without the typical brand bashing that takes place in other communities.

8. Illegal software
Illegal/pirated software requests, discussions and/or links are not allowed. These posts will be removed immediately

9. Commercial Advertising
Commercial advertising of any sort is not allowed. This includes software developers, manufacturers, online retailers, other forums, local stores, studio rentals, services, web designers etc. Commercial company names and such can not be included in your signatures as that is free advertisement the more you post. If you would like information on how to advertise here on the website feel free to contact us.

10. Account Suspension
Any attempt to circumvent a Temporary Account Suspension by re-registering another name and/or any other method will lead into the offending member to be permanently banned.

11. Sharing Account Info
Any members giving their account information to any Banned members will have their account permanently banned as well. No Exceptions.

12. Editing other members photos
Members may not edit other member's photos without their prior consent. Members may include that it is ok to edit their photos by placing a statement within their post. All edited photos will be removed if original photog hasn't approved the edit.

13. Thread closing challenge
Any member who has a problem with why a particular thread has been locked and/or deleted must contact the ADMIN and/or the moderator who locked the thread privately through a PM. Creating new threads to vent your frustrations with the closing of a thread will only result in that thread's deletion as well.

14. Soliciting Votes
We do not allow members to solicit members for votes for any contests. We do not like our contests to be conducted in that manner so we do not allow members to post "Go vote for me" type threads. If you're entered into a contest and would like to inform people you can simply post the link and tell members to "Vote for your favorite". This will get votes to the contest in general yet still keeping the integrity of the voting process.


The Offense Structure

1st Offense: A formal warning will be sent via PM

Upon a members first offense, a PM will be sent to them informing them of the rule violation and they will also be informed of this Offense Structure.

2nd Offense: Account Suspension for 14 days
Upon a members second offense, the member will have their account suspended for 14 days. Any attempt to circumvent this suspension by creating extra accounts on the forum will directly lead into a Permanent Ban from the forum.

3rd Offense: Permanent Ban from the forum
Upon a members third offense, the member will be Permanently Banned from the forum and will never be welcomed back.
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